Your donation assists families at a critical time in their life - a time when a family needs to find strength in numbers by being together at the Ronald McDonald House® while their child receives medical attention. Please support Ronald McDonald House® & make a difference in the life of a child & their family today!
Donate Here!
Recurring Donations
Recurring giving is when a donor chooses to make regular, ongoing donations to your nonprofit.
How to become a recurring donor:
- Scroll to the secure form below.
- Make sure to click “Recurring” and not “One-Time” at the top of the donation sheet.
- Fill out the information and you’re set!
- We will be in contact to keep you up to date on your impact.
By donating the following amounts in one year, you can provide the corresponding number of nights of stay for families at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois:
- $10.50 per month = 1 night of stay
- $21.50 per month = 2 nights of stay
- $75 per month = 1 week of stay
- $150 per month = 2 weeks of stay
By Mail
Springfield Ronald McDonald House
610 N. 7th Street
Springfield, IL 62702
Peoria Ronald McDonald House
401 NE Monroe Street
Peoria, IL 61601
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois qualifies as a 501(c)3 and therefore contributions to RMHCCI may be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Please consult with your tax advisor.